BackMitra achtergrond

In deze video legt Brigitte Longueville de achtergrond van de BackMitra uit. Een uitvoerige uitleg over de werking van spieren, gewrichten. Het ontspannen van de verschillende spiergroepen in de rug, schouders armen en benen.

De BackMitra is een eenvoudige en goedkope oplossing om zelf thuis je rug te versterken en actief aan je eigen houding te werken. Door regelmatig met de BackMitra te oefenen, zul je merken dat je rug, schouders, armen en benen steviger worden. Je krijgt meer kracht en meer stabiliteit.

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Video transcript (Engels):

My name is Brigitte Longueville. I have been practicing traditional South Indian Yoga for 25 years. Teaching and practicing restorative yoga for 10 years. Mainly I teach the Solstice Yoga Center on the coast of Mexico, in Mexico or in different parts of Mexico. The BackMitra is a full block on which the student lies, placed on the back of the spine towards the upper back towards the head. Mitra in Sanskrit means friend and as all friendships are, time is needed to grow. The idea behind working with the BackMitra is to restore the spine to pressure. Pressure on the back of the spine, and also relaxation on concentration. It sounds easy but actually it’s difficult. We learn to concentrate on work. Ambition and stress are part of our society. We did not learn to concentrate on relaxation.

Finding out why some movements are difficult or why we cannot do some movement at all is very important for our general health. The Mitra gives an understanding and an answer as well. Its gives an independent possibility to work with the limitations in our body, and with the accumulated stress in the body. Pressure is connected with relaxation. Where there is pressure somewhere else in the body, we start the process of undo. Your own position and lack of right mobility, the natural curves in our body are out of balance. The spinal vertebra can be misaligned and sensory nerves and motor nerves can be irritated. Often I hear people talking about headache, pain in the neck, pain in the upper back, pain in the lower back. numbness, pins and needles in arms and hands. A strong back does not mean it is flexible. A strong back has to do with the relaxation on the outer layers of the body, and its strength on the muscles that support the spine.

The balance between undo and do, gives us strength and stability in the entire shoulder girdle and in the entire healthy girdle. With the stability and mobility in the center of the spine and in the center of the body, we learn to relax and stretch the neck. We can learn to relax and
stretch the lower back.
We learn to relax the chest and expand it.  The legs and the arms will take over the job, and the legs and the arms will become stronger. Not only in our yoga practice, but in our daily movements as well. The changes with the Mitra are fast and direct. People can understand them, feel what happens, already after a few sessions. They walk straiter, there is less contraction around the neck and shoulders, there is less pain in the lower back, the
arms and the legs are stronger and there is a sensation of well-being. The Mitra is a tool that not only corrects the structure of the spine, it also teaches us to stretch the arms without contracting the neck, without contracting the shoulders. It helps to stretch the legs without losing the connection of the pelvis and the lower back, and the nicest thing about the Mitra: it’s accessible for everybody. Teenagers, house women and house men, taxi drivers, desk people, Yogi’s…

Everybody can use it.